Friday, February 7, 2014

Let the wait begin....

It has been a little while since I have posted any updates on our adoption process, so here goes...

We have reached a pretty major milestone - we are on the waiting list!  Maybe it doesn't sound that exciting but it means we are pretty much finished with our end of things. The only thing we will have to do is update any information that changes (job promotions, house purchases, etc.) and redo anything that has an expiration date if the time comes (like fingerprints). It is really difficult to predict exactly how long our wait will be, but a good guess is somewhere between 2 and 3 years. Right now that seems like forever but I am sure it will go by faster than we think. We have placed it all in God's hands and we know that He already has our child/ren picked out for us and they will be home with us in His perfect timing! We are just thrilled to be finished with all the paperwork, home study visits, training, reading, etc. Not that we didn't enjoy the process, but it is a relief to have it all completed. 

For anyone interested, we are still selling t-shirts. You can go to the adoption fundraising tab to see what they look like. Our girls did the artwork and are so proud of them! Feel free to comment here or let me know if you would like one. They are $20.00 each. 

One more somewhat random thought. For Christmas our girls got the first four of thirteen in the "What's in the Bible? with Buck Denver" series. We have been watching them and absolutely loving it!!! They were created by Paul Vischer, the same guy who created Veggie Tales. They walk through the entire Bible and explain how all the stories fit together in one big, redemptive story of God. Dan and I are learning from them too! They cover difficult questions and the history of the Bible as well. I would highly recommend them! Here is a link (if you are interested in them and you purchase them through this link we will get a percentage toward our adoption at no extra cost to you)...